Monday 3 August 2009

More than words

It isn't what I thought it was anymore, it IS love & admiration. Up to this day, it still amazes me how I've come to know you.

I can't believe that I used to dislike you, so much that I could puke. Now you're everywhere, my desktop wallpaper, my phone wallpaper, my shelves are full of your cds and dvds. Last friday when rumours broke that TVXQ would be disbanding, my heart fell, ache, and I cried. It was then I realised how much you had to do with my life.

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met my best friend,
If it wasnt't for your existence in my life, I would probably not be inspired to be the best in whatever I do.

The passion you had for your work, the 'never give up' attitude you put on, was a great inspiration to me in whatever I do.

Thank you for being such amazing musicians despite the harsh conditions you guys were facing.

Words can't describe how much admiration, adoration and love I have for this group. No matter what happens, we'll fight this battle as one.

TVXQ =5 + Cassiopeia + BigEast + International Fans = One

"Always keep the faith"

We'll always stand by you =)

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Spreading our wings

Honestly, I am gobsmacked that Changmin is taking up a drama after his "parents" Yunjae.

It's not because I thought he isnt good @ acting or looks wise ( He IS very good looking ) but its just that I always loved them for their music. I detest dramas, it doesnt bring out the 'real' person in them, because they are acting, acting out according to script. Whereas their self composed songs did touch people's hearts, made people loved them.

I hope this is only a temporary thing, I love them for their music and it is disturbing to see jaechun the duo promoting music while the rest does something else. I am afraid they might end up like Shinhwa, who has more solo activities than group work.

I know the boys loves the group, loves the fact that they are TVXQ and all I hope for is that they won't be like Shinhwa. I sincerely hope this lasts for only a couple of months. My only self comfort now is to hope that while the rest films dramas, Jaechun would be active in Japan, as in real active as a duo promoting music under the name THSK.

They are not the only one experiencing new challenges, I am too.

Technically, I should be happy but I dont feel it. YET. Maybe I will when I arrive and get out of London Heathrow.

It's gonna be tough, new life, alone.

I need to learn how to get to my new "usuals" now , like usual supermarket, where is the closest bus stop, bakery etc etc

I know I can manage it if I banish out all my insecurities. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it.

Hopefully this challenge would pave me the way to success. I know it will =)

Fly away, fly away, fly to the top

- Bolero ; Tohoshinki

My motto ^^, inspired to be the best in whatever I do, and I know they can too, as a group , we all can =)

Friday 10 July 2009

The Art of Casting Your Burden...

....not simply to anyone else, but to God.

I've truly learnt my lesson for the past week and to be honest, except a bit of paranoia, I'm doing completely fine.

After so many years, I finally felt the bond between me and God growing, as how a Father would take care of his daughter. Some of the things have to be learnt the hard way such as patience and trust.

The trust that God never leaves us behind. Someway, somehow, someday, sometime, you will feel that the wait, the trial is worth it because he has never forsaken us.

I won't say that I am completely ease of my burden, but definitely much better. I continue casting my worries and burden onto God, because I know this is the best way. I believe everything shall work out fine.

<3 from Min , whom have experienced a lot lately

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Clothes, Suitcases, etc

So much to do in so little time


Change by Taylor Swift

That's how I feel like now =)

We sing Hallelujah!

Glory to god =)

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Everybody say UK...UK...

Yeah, it's true, almost everyone I knew told me that. Go UK, GO UK, study in uk~

From everyone including friends, mum, my brother and every possible sane person that I know and have talked to them about my situation.

The answer I got was " Go uk"


Monday 6 July 2009

Is it stupidity?

Apparently, UBD released their 09 new intake and as expected, I was routed to Mass Media scheme cause I didnt have Maths.


the bloody issue here is that I exceeded all the minimum req and did wayy better, people who did worse was admitted into the Business stream.


Mum says go UK, since I already accepted the offers from Cardiffff xD

Well, we'll see :D

Saturday 4 July 2009

Mixed Emotions

I'm having pretty much mixed emotions of happiness and hatred? -- is it hate or annoyance? Maybe more towards annoyance I guess.

Today is the start of Dome, and I feel happy for them, I know how it feels to see the dream you want to achieve so bad just fade away like that, so I'm glad that they achieved what they wanted the most in Japan which is performing in Dome. I wish them all the best for the final show of TSC Tour in Dome tomorrow.

As much as I am happy for them, I don't feel too well for myself. Things just haven't been going right lately. UK, trip to Bangkok / Japan everything just faded away. Things I planned to learn like dancing isn't happening. Not to mention I'm living under constant timebombs of my family problems. Just when I thought I could use a nice trip to Bangkok, several family problems and the swine flu led to cancellation. The trip is gone just like that. Initially I was aiming for Dome but when I knew the ballot results and the prices we had to pay to get into dome, since it's from auction sites, it's bound to be expensive, my mum just wouldn't agree.

Listening to the audio of "Colours" I swear my heart felt a slight tinge of hate, jealousy and anger when I heard the crowd singing along to the "Lalala" part.

Out of the things I wanted the most- Edu @ UK, Dome or Bangkok , I got none.

Nothing went my way this year, leading me to feel depressed , not to mention countless family probs, until I saw this. It wasn't helping entirely but this makes sense. I owe this to Silvis for recommending me the fic where I saw this quote,

“The grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do,
something to love,
and something to hope for.”

- Allan K. Chalmers

Something to do - Start of Uni term in September

Something to love- My mum, my brother, dbsk/thsk

Something to hope for- 2010 Dome tour, I will be there =)

I'm not gonna lie, I still don't feel too well emotionally but yes, I'm going to continue hoping, Hope To The End, just like Jaejoong's tattoo wordings.

Dome 2009, 1st day,

credits to TVXQ baidu

Isn't it pretty? The red ocean?

Next year, 2010, I will be there, will be the one taking first hand pictures and uploading it here =)

Another quote in which I agree on,

“Music washes away from the soul
the dust of everyday life.”
- Red Auerbach

The music of thsk/dbsk washes away the pain, the tiredness, the annoyance , the hatred I experience daily, but it also shares the joy that I experience. It's the first time I've actually felt really touched--- by their voices, the vocals of all 5. It has never occured to me before, recalling all those cpop groups I used to like and support, it was disappointing, because honestly, they aren't half as good as dbsk/thsk in my opinion.

3.02 a.m, am supposed to wake up early to buy breakfast but I just had to get it off my chest which explains why I'm still here. Off to bed soon, night guys.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Dinner for Five

Dinner for five, thanks to aunt who treated us :D
One of the best meals ever with laughter ringing from all five of our mouths, Excapade was jam packed today
Started off with a cup of Green tea, and by the end of the meal, I've already drunk countless cups of green tea, at least 9 I'm estimating haha
This was the Sushi party set which Ying they all ordered, since it was from my aunt's free coupon. But out of all those, I can't even bring myself to eat either one of those.

And this was the After pic haha, all five of us can't even finish this.

I thought the cucumber was crafted quite nicely, so I took a pic of it. It's pretty isn't it?

View from above :D

Shirau Karage- my fav, I had Gyoza too but it wasnt taken with my phone so yeah

Hopefully we'll have a fun meal together again soon =)

Listening to - Tea for Two - gosh, Yunho sounds awesome, a nice summery feel song. Glad that I pre-ordered the single!

Friday 26 June 2009


I've learnt my lesson the hard way this time. Never trust anyone, NOT EVEN YOUR OWN PARENTS.

The only one you can trust is just - YOURSELF.

Believe in yourself is the best thing you should do, so you should achieve whatever goals you set, without depending on anyone, not friends nor parents.

and that's what I'm gonna do, trust only myself, not even my parents.

Thanks to them and their false promises, I spent my holidays unproductively.

Monday 22 June 2009



Got my L license today, am gonna see the driving instructor tomorrow :D

The thought of driving is making me feel ecstatic!


I am thinking of re learning violin, or maybe piano. I don't know yet, we'll see =)

Sunday 21 June 2009

The Importance of Translating from a Language to Another

The fan shouldn't have posted her fan account if she isn't exactly sure what she herself is posting.

I hope its just me reading too much into that one statement. What's with the " We might change after this" The point- change.

If it's just image change, changes in style, stage or whatever, it's fine. My worst fears can't happen. It just can't and I don't feel like typing it out either.

However, after reading another comment which makes sense- that person might be talking about growth, which would refer to growth in music, style and attitude.

The detailed account better come in soon. I'm already too restless.

Monday 15 June 2009


I hate you so much ,I hate you
I hate myself so much I could go crazy
I hate myself , I hate myself for being like this

- I hate you by 2 PM

Can it be easier, can I just change just my life, cause it just seems to go bad everytime

-When It All Falls Apart by The Veronicas

All these time I was wasting hoping you would come around, I have been giving out chances but all you do is just let me down

-You're Not Sorry, Taylor Swift

For now, it's sad

-My Destiny by Tohoshinki

I'm Holding Back The Tears

- Holding Back The Tears by TVXQ

Shit Man, I do feel sorry, but I have to say something ; It hurts so much, how do I live?

-Heartquake by Super Junior feat Micky Yoochun & Uknow Yunho

Once I hate you, I hate you with a passion and forgiveness is never an option. You brought this upon yourself, get out of my life...............................................

Sunday 14 June 2009


Just came back from a shopping spree!

Extremely tired from all the walking. It's as if I havent gone on a proper shopping trip for ages.

Will upload pics later :D

Saturday 13 June 2009

The Show

Anyone heard of Lenka's The Show? I just saw the video on MTV today and fell in love with her songs immediately. Her style reminds me of Lilly Allen and I think I prefer Lenka's better than Allen.

I need to rant and want to rant. Not much of things seems to go according as planned.


Upside, I'm finally going to Miri for shopping tomorrow. Not that Miri is any fun, but at least its better than getting stuck at home. levi's jeans! yay!

and Starbucks! Magazines and hopefully there are Mac counters in Parkson, just so I could get a concealer.

4.35, and I have been listening to Lenka's the Show for at least an hour now. I like her "I want my money back, I want my money back." HAHAHA

Cute way to hint people to pay back my money, sing this line xD

Not Fair

I can't believe it, Big Bang will be having a fanmeet in Tokyo Dome! I mean, its their like first official debut with a japanese single and it's a bit too fast. What would they have to achieve in the future. LOL, with my exclamtion mark, I sound like a BigBang fan but I'm not. I'm not happy for them.

Tohoshinki worked that hard to open up the pathway for Korean Artists breaking into the Japanese music market and now others are having a free ride. It's common and all that but its a bit asdfghjkllmnvbc, what effort have the bigbang dudes put into achieving their TD fanmeet compared to the toho boys.

When I watched the video on Channel A about the boys' road to Dome, I'm truly touched, they worked so hard, suffered so much emotionally being in a country where no one has any idea who they are and they themselves also are not familiar with the place.

If BigBang goes to Kouhaku this year, I'll seriously be like adfhjkjkll;loytrewwdvsnko, because it's not fair.

Sorry to any BigBang fans who happen to read this post then. You may say that "Who says life is ever fair?" "Big Bang worked for it"

Meh, whatever, that's just my opinion on the issue.

Life is never fair anyway~

Thursday 4 June 2009

Happy Birthday!

I really forgot about this. Well, almost.

I woke up remembering it, then forgot it when I was so absorbed in my paperworks but still,

Happy Birthday to Yoochunnie!


Today's activities can be simplified as one word- RUSH

From morning onwards, my brain has been working non stop on deciding whether I should accept the offers or not. After deciding so, the rest of the paperwork was basically flooding in. I have so many things to think of! Accomodation etc etc


it's now 1.02 a.m, and I'm still staying online, because I saw Yuna Ito's new album so I'm listening to her songs. I am gonna order the album!

And tomorrow, I need to wake up at 7+, to buy breakfast, then send my mail and all that, meet up with Bigail in seria, then in the afternoon, head out to shop to fax the letter.

I can already tell its gonna be another long dayyyyy and I'm so sleep deprived now. I just finished eating bread and I cant sleep right away.


Night guys!

Tuesday 2 June 2009


The earliest time I've ever blogged. It's now 7.53 a.m as I type along and no, I wasn't sleeping for the past couple of hours. I was awake around 3, awoken by the noises in the kitchen, and my bag falling down. Apparently, the hook was loose and it fell out.

GAH, my secret code cd cracked! Now it cracked even bigger, I'm so tempted to get a new set.

Anyway, I am expecting a call from USPS agent, gimme me damn headphones! Yuu got it on friday, and it's already wednesday ><

Was supposed to go to bandar, HAH, am so happy that they called off the trip.

Oh and daum was so fast today, I finished watching all the fancams in dnbn just now, for PL, there was a jaesu dance so major yay xD

Also just finished watching Just Love 2 episode 21. Hmm, why does Cally have to be so stupid? Pretending to be Hei Man doesnt help.Well, this is life, anything can happen, anytype of human can live in this world with any character.

Hopefully this wont be another unproductive day. sigh

off to watch Threshold of ID personnel, <3>

Have a great day :D

Like Shit how I feel right now.

So many things going on in my mind, for one, I really really dont want my holidays to go to waste, NOTHING that I have planned happened. Nothing. For once, just let me go to Mirotic Concert in Bangkok. Dateline for tickets are on the 6th sigh, and I havent successfully convinced my mum.

PFFT. Not to mention what happened just now. Am not on good terms with my mum for now, till everything resolves.

p.s- Timeless @ 2007 TVXQ O concert tour in Bangkok, 15th December 2007, rewatched the video and its fantastic :D


Thursday 28 May 2009

Sunnies, headphones and everything nice....

After much hunting around, finally found one that can be altered with degree glasses. So I dont have to actually wear contact lenses. YAY!

The thought of possibly learning to drive soon is making me ecstatic.

Short post but yeah, Signing off, lots of <3.........

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Monday 25 May 2009


Oh yeah, might as well make a new post for this :D

The stuff I ordered from came in today! Considering the price I paid, I would say it's of good quality. I got so excited so I tried it on the moment I went home, to the extent I forgot to change back to my usual clothes.

I actually wore one of my new unwashed hoodie out to buy lunch.

Will post pics of it once it's washed and ironed. The clothes are now in the washing machine LOL.

Before I go off again, psst, this was an extra post considering that this is my 45th post. I don't like "44" so I posted again :D

It's also cause I forgot to post this in the last entry :P


Sicked of it already?

Well, these two days, I've mostly been listening to english songs on iTunes. Even if it shuffles to some k/j pop, I would skip it, even if its db.

Right, how could I EVER get sick of db...??!!

What is wrong??? Now I'm listening to Stand By You and I feel fine, dont feel like skipping or anything. So I guess it's just a phase. Lately there isn't much awesome work from the Kpop and Jpop industry, enough to sweep your feet off the ground. The latest was Stand By You, which I've already listened to 300+ times before the official release.

Avex needs to release the PV. It's so quiet these days.....I'm totally okay and will go woot if SM releases AADBSK 3 in june, at least I'll have something to watch.

AND Subaru, gosh, I really want to watch that movie sooo bad. Not because of the boys cameo of course, but because the concept simply sounds interesting.

iTunes shuffled it to Hypnotic Dancefloor, and here I go again, what's with me and back to english song craze? I guess I really had toooo much of K/J pop doses. And recently, not much productive works from new artists and the boys are busy touring in Japan.

WTH, I just realised, for Sendai and Sapporo, there aren't any pics.

Oh, I just heard Shinee's new mini album and it was disappointing in my opinion. There wasn't much variety that they could offer from that particular mini album. I've only gave it a brief listen and none of the songs seems to stick in my head. Not even one. Maybe I should give it another second try.

Till my next post, tata :D

Saturday 23 May 2009

Recent Craze

These couple of days, I have been listening to quite a fair share of english songs, mostly from my all time fav artists like Kelly Clarkson, David Archuleta and McFly. Oh and also Taylor Swift's Teardrops on my guitar.

My favs
-Teardrops on my guitar
-I hate myself for losing you
-Because of You
-My life would suck without you
-I wanna hold you
-All about you
-I've Got You
-When You believe

Songs are in random order :) Check em out if you want to, but these are rather popular songs except for the McFly ones so I bet you guys have already heard it.

Seriously Avex needs to release the PV for Stand By You like now. I need to see the PV, to cure my boredom.

Remember Me?

Remember me by Sophie Kinsella.

Just started reading this book an hour plus ago and I'd say its a fun yet creepy book to read.

I'm not even halfway through the book yet but I'm already going ooh, ahh, and wahhh. Imagine if your life suddenly got fast forwarded, you forgot 3 years of your life due to a car crash you are affirmative that you've never been engaged in. Instead, its a supposedly bump created due to tripping.

Oh, not to mention, during those 3 years, your life suddenly got fantastic, you've got a hot husband, a bunch of new friends you don't even know, a new loft pad. Where are your old friends?

It is an engaging and page turning book, but it got me a tad curious what's behind all these. Gonna keep reading till I find out.

Not to mention, I'm a bit freaked out, imagining myself losing three years of my supposedly turned awesome life memories, having a hot husband which I imagined as Jaejoong. WOW. I don't even know whether I should be happy or not. I'd probably be as frustrated as the character in the book called Lexi. Or maybe not, heyyy, it's Jaejoonggggggg. LOL

I'm gonna continue reading tomorrow, and hopefully by tomorrow, the book gets better and better, the creepiness gone. HAHA


Signing off :) Have a good night sleep everyone :D

Wednesday 13 May 2009


So very.

I'm disappointed at the way I spend my holiday. It's not that I want to laze around, was planning to re-learn violin and at least get to travel for like once before uni starts and bam, here comes the h1n1, mum says no travelling.


Oh and I'm wondering, will Brunei air Dance, Subaru! ? Cause it's one of the most interesting and meaningful movie to watch, rather than some boring ones.

Oh and hearing Bolero in the cinema is just <3.>

Thursday 30 April 2009


The last post (please ignore since it's more or less negative)

Yay, I decided to change the layout of my blog, since the previous template was a too dark. I used to like it, not now though haha xD

Dum Di Dum Di Dum

I'm, nervous for tomorrow. I hope I win.

Anyway, 4nologue! Total crap. What's with the AMC involvement? Making it so hard for international fans to get tickets. Honestly, Adamas did a better job. At least the ticketing isn't done last minute.


Rosieeee, I envy your blog posts, so happy, unlike me.

Hhaha, when are you coming back to kaybee again!?

And I didnt know Sieying updated her blog. Gonna check later..


Datelinesssss, I havent had lots of datelines during the holidays. There's one now, May 12.
That's like sooo packed. Need to msn tiff tomorrow to collect the other team members for a meeting.

A hardcopy issue! I seriously can't wait. I'm gonna buy that too. Since mum forbade me to do journalism as my university major, being a publisher for O! fulfills my dream. Not to mention, we're gonna release a hardcopy too in conjuction with Yoochun's birthday. How awesome :)

The previous issues, we did a great job, so I'm hoping that we'll continue to rock the June issue but seriously, I havent checked my went to the cassiology thread to check the answers for the quiz.

Gonna do that soon.

As in after I finish my June issue dateline. I think the thread's gonna be gone by then. Need to wait for the May issue's corner.

P.s- Stand By You rocks!

I <3> :D

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Stand By U

What I'm listening to now, reflects how I feel

Song is leaked, maybe at the right time.

I feel so bad right now, am so stressed out, feels like no one in the world understands me. I appreciate the calmness that the boys' music have brought to my life.

Life is such a mess, who said everything will go well for the horses zodiac this year. Maybe yes, just not right now...

I'm trying to stay in the positive zone right now but I dont think I'm doing fairly well.

I feel like I am falling apart, breaking down but I need to stay strong for the sake of my mum and brother. I <3 them...

Something to cheer me up maybe? Any idea guys?

Thursday 23 April 2009

Hello again

It's been a gazillion years since I last blogged really.

I suddenly just felt like typing in my blog after reading Rose's blog.


Anyway, I have so much on my mind now, and my dilemma is whether to type it all out.

Okay, and now I really dont feel like typing anymore. Forgive me for this random post

Monday 16 March 2009

Holding back the tears

I feel that I do this a lot.

Especially since last few years, I've been giving in to people, being submissive....

Constantly, I get pushed around a lot. I smile in front of those people, especially in front of my parents. My tears starts to flow when I'm alone.

Holding back the tears translations

[ChangMin]A faded white painting and my slightly vanished scent are hidden inside a eye-
blinding cloud

[YooChun]My wordless heart slowly movesAnd the time that passes inbetween is in my hands

[Junsu] I'm holding back the tears I hang my heart so it'll be weightlessIn a place not too close
but not too farAnother me is standing, I don't cry

[YoonHo] I bring my two hands together once againIn a place I live the present life instead of the memories

[Jaejoong]It's foolish but we were always togetherThe pain that I wanted to empty flowed throughout my whole body and dries up my tears

[Altogether]I'm living with my tears I'm holding back the tears I hang my heart so it'll be weightlessIn a place not too close but not too farAnother me is standing, I don't cry

[Altogether]I'm holding back the tears I hang my faith on me and runIn a place that is not high nor lowAnother me is standing,With a small smile, I can smile

Forgot where I found this translation :)

One of my all time favourite song

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Where were you?

To those who happen to check my blog only to find it not updated for so long, I am NOT missing hehe. Just lazy to blog. So let me fill you in on what I was up to when I was feeling lazy to blog.


a) I was completing my UCAS application, and boy, that sure took me long. I wasn't exactly pleased with my statement so I amended it again and again, before finally deciding to submit the last copy.

b) I was busy reading! I have three books on my shelf still, waiting to be read.

c) I was dongbang-ing. People who know me well enough should know that this is my routine. I have to go dongbang-ing at least once a day. Even if I don't have a computer/laptop near me, I still use my phone to dongbang.

d) I was going to bandar alot, apparently, even I myself do not notice that frequency.


a) I'm practically counting down to the release of The Secret Code. I need new music ><

b)Reading again a new book I just bought couple of days back while I was attending a wedding ceremony in bandar. THIS is interesting. The wedding was held in Huaho Manggis, well, Sahyeon and I , were basically FORCED to go, but on the bright side, at least there's Best Eastern for me to get books. I went to the banquet first, check out where our table was supposed to be and went down again to get myself a book.

The wedding ceremony is boring, the only interesting part of the trip was that I was able to get a book. That's it. They invited all these singers from CHina with extremely high piercing voices singing all those songs I have nerver heard of. Worst still, I was sitting maybe two tables away from the freaking loud speaker that threatens to damage my eardrums any moment.


like now. I'm coughing for no apparent reason and my mum convinces me to gulp down honey + vinegar. I know it works. I'm fine with honey but no vinegar please. However, I'm really frustrated with my cough so no matter how stinky or yucky it's gonna taste, I'll still have to gulp it down. LATER. I mean it. :)

d) Parties

No, not parties of my friends dear. My family parties I mean. My cousins, four of them celebrating their b'days this month, a party for another relative who came all the way to visit my grandma and tonight is keen and chun's b'day party. Whew.

I'm tired. Fried food again and I won't be able to have some because I'm couging unless the vinegar + honey works.

e) Oh, and I posted one video at youtube. That was my first time doing so. It wasn't a video about me, it's abt The Secret COde promotions where Yunjae went to Nagoya Hits fm. Weee, promo is starting, new album is coming but my wallet is burning. LOL. Kidding.

f)I have my IELTS test coming next week, and my mum is asking me to watch TV. No kidding.

g) Have you guys heard Super Junior's Sorry Sorry? It's hella addictive, but at the same time when Stand Up was released, I was nuts over Stand Up, with all the tion' that ryhmes, how can it NOT get you addicted?!

I have run out of things to update but isn't that a long post? Will be back soon'!

In the meantime, take care everyone!

Sunday 15 February 2009

Home Sweet Home

I finally understood this phrase and to say this, I do admit that I'm slow.

But it's true

After one night of sleepless night in BSB in my uncle's house, I have finally come to terms that I love sleeping in MY own house despite having to face my father's mood swings but hey, that's better thwan waking up in somewhere you don't even know well enough and feel happy.

I hate the marble tiles, and the house is even more unclean than mine. In a sense that is.

I dont want to state more but I just realised I love where I stay because when I wake up, I see people I love in my life including my annoying little bro and my dad who may have mood swings and I may get shouted at.

But it all doesnt matter to me now.

I love where I belong, I love my home and most importantly one of the reasons why I felt uncomfortable in my uncle's house, I felt intimidated.

God is with me for sure, but I can't feel it strongly. Fear has brought and lead me away from my heavenly father that night, which explains why I felt uncomfortable.

But when I'm at home, I can heartily pray and express my feelings openly to God who understands me the most, so I feel at ease.

Home, is where the heart is.

No matter how much you hate going home, when you're away from it, you'll probably miss your comfort zone with the people you once hate in it and how much you wish they're with you


Does anyone actually get my point?

Saturday 14 February 2009

Oh yeah

I quit my job! Not that I was the one typing the letter. It was my dad. Oh well, I'm spending my time more productively this week, which is like one of the most productive week of all among my holidays.

The most important part is - I FEEL and LOOK happy rather than sulking all day and complaining and on the verge of tearing up whenever I faced a failed attempt at looking for Uni's with Marketing courses.


*squeals* Jaejoongieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So random since I'm missing someone on Valentine's Day and I can't state the exact name of so and so which is why I'm squealing for Jae, not that I don't want Jae at all.

I could swap him for so and so anytime.

Hey there *insert name here* , since you're away, I'm gonna swap you for Jae :)

*frowns and pouts* I hate you! *Not Jaejoongie........* Ying will know who he is.


I just realised, it's been long since I last blogged so I splitted into two posts.

Happy V day

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

I feel lonely haha....and I'm spending the time with my grandma, not that it's bad, just that it's really really weird...

I don't know. LOL

What am I thinking about? My *cough* *cough* special someone is far far away from me and with someone else. SIGH

Anyway on the positive side, I had pretty much a great time last week except for yesterday night......the morning part was great.

BTW, i went to Summit in The Mall yesterday and I was shocked to hear "More than the air I breathe." Haha So I went right in and heard Yunnie Oppa's voice blaring over the speakers and I was like What?! So cool, they play dongbang songs here!

Bought a pair of white shoes. Perfectly Gorgeous! I looove it so much!

Saturday 7 February 2009

Mad, Stupid Jobs, Scholarship Opportunities

Mad- Mad at the effin job my mum landed me. Bored, unproductive and hell no, I don't even know my pay! I'm egtting up every morning to find myself so demotivated. You probably would've asked why can't I just quit, go ask my effin dad! Stupid stupid jobs!

Scholarship= This is even worst, I have yet to find unis with those subjects where the subjects available may land me a scholarship. Bleh.

Mad mad mad right now.

And also, what's with SM? Two songs again for Liyin?! I'm glad I didnt buy a $1500 plane ticket to the thai concert.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Splurging or not?

I just came back from Laneige, AGAIN.'
I just had to make use of my 20% discount which will last till this sunday for makeup. I regretted buying the face shop's stick eyeshadow...
Anyway, I bought the really pretty sliding pact and a pencil type eyeshadow in beige and bown. (Twin colour eyeshadow)and another darker shade of brown to give me a natural look
I'm still thinking of getting the Hyrda solution. Maybe by the end of this week.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

I am.........

Okay, logically and reasonably, I should be excited / nervous or whatever since now that the clock had striked twelve and my interview is scheduled at 2 in the afternoon.

But whatever.

Cause I'm simply too mad to be excited or nervous right now.

I need to rant


Okay, so what's with that freaking uncle of mine? (I'm already good that I don't swear)

It takes two to tango. So what if my cousin doesnt like to learn cooking from him after her sucky job at the printing, he blames me? Just because his daughter opted to spend time with me? Then he goes around bashing me, blablabla, banning me to see his daughter and go to his home.

Yeah right, his home. My grandparents paid for it yeah. Sucky guy. *sarcasm*

I don't care if I'm offending or being rude atm cause it's his fault. I'm not someone to be stepped on and bullied.

Bloody *******

Great, I censored my swearing.

He's the classic example of a bulldozer and a rifler. Why bulldozer? Cause he always ALWAYS wants to get his way and he doesnt care if he offends anyone, not even his parents.

Why rifle?

Seen and beeen with anyone who can talk the moment you get on the car or spend a minute with him. Not exactly talk, it's nagging and complaining. The last time I went to Miri with him, my ears truly hurt due to his constant nagging and endless yapping of useless and idiotic topic. What is his IQ level anyway?!

If a nagging competition exists, he would have won position number one.

I'm sorry ying if you happen to read this. No offense.

Good night

Tuesday 20 January 2009


My holidays are over.

Well, sort of in a way cause my dad officially landed me a joke *sarcastic* "It's for your own good."

Yeah right. My plans of learning languages and re picking up my violin is totally busted.

The cons - a) I can't sleep in late now
- b) I can't go online or read my books as often now
- c) No more chillax-ing in the afternoon with Ying and my friends unless it's past 5

The Pros- a) Work Experience would look good on my CV
- b) Money Money Money = bling bling bling..... I can have much more money to spare
- c) It's not just any job. I landed an assitant secretary job, which a lot of people were vying for and I got it without any effort at all. I'm not kidding. I'm 18+ and I now hold a post of assistant secretary at one of the biggest travel agencies in town.


I don't even know whether I should be sad or happy or whatever.

Oh well, this will only mean more money to save up for my Japan or Thailand trip.

Oppa-deul, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jobz Workshop

I attended the Jobz Workshop today and it was fun. I never spoke that loud in school, not even in class debate.

It's reall fun.....

Besides, i got my Breaking Dawn book today! yay!



The results will be released tomorrow, but we'll probably get it a week later. Hopefully I'll make it to Uni.

eeks....for now tata..

Pretty much a pointless post. Just updated for the sake of updating

Wednesday 7 January 2009


Okay I'm gonna start spazzing now!

But not over a person,its over a brand to be precise...

No, if you're thinking Prada, Gucci, not that


I'm officially a big fan of that brand. Everything from the basic skin care to special line is just loove.

I'm not working and as a student, some items, just SOME, NOT ALL, are expensive for me but the results I got was fanstastic. There's no way I'm gonna stop using. I especially love the water pack and yogurt pack! It's amazing. My skin is so soft after using it. Weeeeee! I'm gonna have great skin for this new year. Probably the year where my skin is actually looking and feeling good.

If you're thinking of setting foot in that new kb laniege store, I suggest you to do it. And do patch tests before you buy anything from them.

Laneige works really well for me, but it might not for everyone.

So for people who have enczema like me and has a problematic skin, maybe you guys should go try laneige stuff out, it might work for you.


End spazz...

Haha, I just finish applying water pack.

And oh, I highlighted my hair again.

The colour isnt very obvious unless I go under the lights and FYI, I don't shimmer like Edward Cullen haha! xD LOL!

Take care guys, the weather is chilly these days at night. Hot cold hot cold.

There, the weather pattern for this few days. DOn't get sick

CNY is comin soon and I seee angpauuuuuuuusssssss

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Oh- Erm | Gee

Some parts of the lyrics that I can relate to!


Oh, I'm so shy I can't glance up at him.....A shy girl falling in love.

Gee gee gee gee baby baby babyGee gee gee gee baby baby baby

(What should I do?) What should I do?(My trembling body)

My trembling body

I can't even sleep because of my beating heartI look like a fool watching him from afar.

Even though I'm not sure I still yearn for him every day

Even though all my friend's said "Can't you just stop?"

I'm still looking at him foolishly

I couldn't speak because I was shyShould I be less timid?

What would be good?Even though my heart beats strong and I'm fidgeting, I focus on him


Oh erm...Gee

I just love how this song expresses how I feel about him. The bolded parts, Sahyeon sshi, if you happen to read this, I know you're gonna say the same thing as the lyrics.


I'm half sad, half happy now...

Yu Sahyeon!!!! Help me!!! My dearest little cousin haha. Help me to NOT spazz over him LOL
Something si so wrong with my mental state right now...