Tuesday 11 November 2008


Today I am in a fantastic mood. The day went great.

First off, I am thankful that God was with me during the exams, constantly blessing me. I was able to finish my paper with great confidence.

Secondly, haha, people who know me should expect this. I'm spazzing over the 4 new songs in the repackaged album. Mine better arrive soon! I don't have much patience! I'm trying to refrain myself from downloading now by playing the previews over and over again.

For those interested, check out this link and play the previews!


If you like ballads, you wont regret pressing on this link. I promise. If you appreciate vocal talent, then go listen.

Don't like it? Then don't bash! Everyone has their own tastes, even when it comes to music!


Two more exams to go, phew! Lucky there'a break so I can rest.
So much happened this week and I just remembered that I havent congratulated my uncle on the birth of my new cousin!! (still don't know the name yet)

Now my grandparents have 12 grandchildren haha...we can form a football team now! Phroar! Girls vs boys? Girls would mean cuz majority of us are girls pssstttt.....

That's it for now....

Good luck to those having exams, and for one of my best friends, may she get well soon!
P.S to Khao yin- Lucky you didnt get the diahorrea before the exam.

Lastly, everyone have a good dayyyyyyyyyyy.......

May your day be fine like mine!

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