Wednesday 31 December 2008

Happy New Year!

It's now 12a.m, which means a new year! We're all officially moving on to year 2009.

Like they say, New Year, New Hope and A New Start (does the saying goes this way!? xD) But nevertheless, it makes sense.

Whatever that had happened minutes ago, weeks ago, months ago have now passed and we're starting the new year over again. Remember the things worth remembering, the happy memories and forget those that make you sad, frown or cry.

New Year brings new hope, continue hoping for the best of life. Although it's indeed true that not all things can be perfect and happy memories, we as well do play a part in determining on what categoteries those events happened land on. Be open minded and try not to burst your temper often -- and this obviously refers to me haha! Not that I have a bad temper, but I'm always cats and dogs with my brother.

--My 2009 New Year Resolutions--

1.Continue to lead a life that follows the word of the Lord. This is indeed important, for without God, I'm nothing. With God, everything is possible

2.Be Hardworking in doing chores and my daily skincare routine! I shouldn't let the money I spent on those Laniege facial products go to waste. Besides, they're actually working fine on my skin

3.Try to be a nice daughter to my dad--this is what I call a real challenge, but I'm willing to try, because this all leads to Resolution number 1. I won't guarantee it'll happen immediately as it takes time. But like I said, I'm willing to TRY.

4.Increase my savings! I want to be a rich..LOL who doesn't want to?! I want to try to save as much as possible and spent on things that is of high worth of value to me.

5.Catch up reading. I haven't been reading much in 2008 cause I had to manage AS and A Level exams, so I should start picking up some good books to read to waste my time away! The thought of this is getting me excited!

6.Learn Japanese. This SHOULD be on higher ranks than six but I ranked it six cause I want to learn the language for the pure sake of learning, not out of genuine interest. Just wanna expand my knowledge. After all, learning more is beneficial to my personal self and my future career.

7. Improve my Korean language. I'm okay at it and understand more of it compared to Japanese since I'm doing self learning but more improvements are needed.

8.Learn how to do basic makeup- Okay, don't laugh. I'm a girl, 19 years old and I can't even draw eyeliner properly!

I guess that's it? Probably yeah....

--2009-- Wishlists


Can't you see I'm that excited about it to the extent of using caps locks?! OKay, I really really really wanna go!

2.Apply for good universities.

Let's put it this way. I hope I can get good A level results so I have wider choices as to which universities and courses I can apply for.

3. Travel with my mum.

It's been long. These few years that I've gone travelling, it's usually with my cousins. So hopefully I can fulfill wish number one and go have a girly travel session in Japan or HK with my mummy!

4.Have more disposable "income"

I'm not working! I simply just wanna have more budget when I go out shopping. To buy BOOKS!

5.A new watch

I havent bought a watch for around four years now. I'm thinking of getting a chronograph watch from some brands like DKNY etc.... It depends on the price.

6.Learn Korean in an institituion.

Currently self learning, so I'm thinking of studying it in a institution so I can pass tests and get a certificate. If not, I hope to go to KHU, but I'm not too sure of this option.

7.Have better skin


I just forgot something! I want to have another wishlist for the people that I care about!

2009 Wishlists for the people Faith loves

1.My Mum

I hope her rheumatism will get well soon cause it's bothering her.
And may her wishes all come true

2.Dong Bang Shin Ki/ Tohoshinki/ TVXQ

I have a list haha! But I'm lazy to type, so I pray for them everyday.

3.My Bro

Hope that he knows how to evaluate and buy just the right amount of stuff that he wants. To spend money wisely too.

I guess that's it.

Which generally means that I need to control my diet.

Is that it?

I usually ramble a lot! Maybe I can create a new wishlist when I want to add something to it haha!

That's it for now.

Last but not least, may everyone have a blessed new year and may everything goes well and live in good health.

God Bless!

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