Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Spreading our wings
It's not because I thought he isnt good @ acting or looks wise ( He IS very good looking ) but its just that I always loved them for their music. I detest dramas, it doesnt bring out the 'real' person in them, because they are acting, acting out according to script. Whereas their self composed songs did touch people's hearts, made people loved them.
I hope this is only a temporary thing, I love them for their music and it is disturbing to see jaechun the duo promoting music while the rest does something else. I am afraid they might end up like Shinhwa, who has more solo activities than group work.
I know the boys loves the group, loves the fact that they are TVXQ and all I hope for is that they won't be like Shinhwa. I sincerely hope this lasts for only a couple of months. My only self comfort now is to hope that while the rest films dramas, Jaechun would be active in Japan, as in real active as a duo promoting music under the name THSK.
They are not the only one experiencing new challenges, I am too.
Technically, I should be happy but I dont feel it. YET. Maybe I will when I arrive and get out of London Heathrow.
It's gonna be tough, new life, alone.
I need to learn how to get to my new "usuals" now , like usual supermarket, where is the closest bus stop, bakery etc etc
I know I can manage it if I banish out all my insecurities. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it.
Hopefully this challenge would pave me the way to success. I know it will =)
Fly away, fly away, fly to the top
- Bolero ; Tohoshinki
My motto ^^, inspired to be the best in whatever I do, and I know they can too, as a group , we all can =)
Friday, 10 July 2009
The Art of Casting Your Burden...
I've truly learnt my lesson for the past week and to be honest, except a bit of paranoia, I'm doing completely fine.
After so many years, I finally felt the bond between me and God growing, as how a Father would take care of his daughter. Some of the things have to be learnt the hard way such as patience and trust.
The trust that God never leaves us behind. Someway, somehow, someday, sometime, you will feel that the wait, the trial is worth it because he has never forsaken us.
I won't say that I am completely ease of my burden, but definitely much better. I continue casting my worries and burden onto God, because I know this is the best way. I believe everything shall work out fine.
<3 from Min , whom have experienced a lot lately
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Everybody say UK...UK...
From everyone including friends, mum, my brother and every possible sane person that I know and have talked to them about my situation.
The answer I got was " Go uk"
Monday, 6 July 2009
Is it stupidity?
the bloody issue here is that I exceeded all the minimum req and did wayy better, people who did worse was admitted into the Business stream.
Mum says go UK, since I already accepted the offers from Cardiffff xD
Well, we'll see :D
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Mixed Emotions
Today is the start of Dome, and I feel happy for them, I know how it feels to see the dream you want to achieve so bad just fade away like that, so I'm glad that they achieved what they wanted the most in Japan which is performing in Dome. I wish them all the best for the final show of TSC Tour in Dome tomorrow.
As much as I am happy for them, I don't feel too well for myself. Things just haven't been going right lately. UK, trip to Bangkok / Japan everything just faded away. Things I planned to learn like dancing isn't happening. Not to mention I'm living under constant timebombs of my family problems. Just when I thought I could use a nice trip to Bangkok, several family problems and the swine flu led to cancellation. The trip is gone just like that. Initially I was aiming for Dome but when I knew the ballot results and the prices we had to pay to get into dome, since it's from auction sites, it's bound to be expensive, my mum just wouldn't agree.
Listening to the audio of "Colours" I swear my heart felt a slight tinge of hate, jealousy and anger when I heard the crowd singing along to the "Lalala" part.
Out of the things I wanted the most- Edu @ UK, Dome or Bangkok , I got none.
Nothing went my way this year, leading me to feel depressed , not to mention countless family probs, until I saw this. It wasn't helping entirely but this makes sense. I owe this to Silvis for recommending me the fic where I saw this quote,
“The grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do,
something to love,
and something to hope for.”
- Allan K. Chalmers
Something to do - Start of Uni term in September
Something to love- My mum, my brother, dbsk/thsk
Something to hope for- 2010 Dome tour, I will be there =)
I'm not gonna lie, I still don't feel too well emotionally but yes, I'm going to continue hoping, Hope To The End, just like Jaejoong's tattoo wordings.
Dome 2009, 1st day,

credits to TVXQ baidu
Isn't it pretty? The red ocean?
Next year, 2010, I will be there, will be the one taking first hand pictures and uploading it here =)
Another quote in which I agree on,
“Music washes away from the soul
the dust of everyday life.”
- Red Auerbach
The music of thsk/dbsk washes away the pain, the tiredness, the annoyance , the hatred I experience daily, but it also shares the joy that I experience. It's the first time I've actually felt really touched--- by their voices, the vocals of all 5. It has never occured to me before, recalling all those cpop groups I used to like and support, it was disappointing, because honestly, they aren't half as good as dbsk/thsk in my opinion.
3.02 a.m, am supposed to wake up early to buy breakfast but I just had to get it off my chest which explains why I'm still here. Off to bed soon, night guys.