Thursday 28 May 2009

Sunnies, headphones and everything nice....

After much hunting around, finally found one that can be altered with degree glasses. So I dont have to actually wear contact lenses. YAY!

The thought of possibly learning to drive soon is making me ecstatic.

Short post but yeah, Signing off, lots of <3.........

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Monday 25 May 2009


Oh yeah, might as well make a new post for this :D

The stuff I ordered from came in today! Considering the price I paid, I would say it's of good quality. I got so excited so I tried it on the moment I went home, to the extent I forgot to change back to my usual clothes.

I actually wore one of my new unwashed hoodie out to buy lunch.

Will post pics of it once it's washed and ironed. The clothes are now in the washing machine LOL.

Before I go off again, psst, this was an extra post considering that this is my 45th post. I don't like "44" so I posted again :D

It's also cause I forgot to post this in the last entry :P


Sicked of it already?

Well, these two days, I've mostly been listening to english songs on iTunes. Even if it shuffles to some k/j pop, I would skip it, even if its db.

Right, how could I EVER get sick of db...??!!

What is wrong??? Now I'm listening to Stand By You and I feel fine, dont feel like skipping or anything. So I guess it's just a phase. Lately there isn't much awesome work from the Kpop and Jpop industry, enough to sweep your feet off the ground. The latest was Stand By You, which I've already listened to 300+ times before the official release.

Avex needs to release the PV. It's so quiet these days.....I'm totally okay and will go woot if SM releases AADBSK 3 in june, at least I'll have something to watch.

AND Subaru, gosh, I really want to watch that movie sooo bad. Not because of the boys cameo of course, but because the concept simply sounds interesting.

iTunes shuffled it to Hypnotic Dancefloor, and here I go again, what's with me and back to english song craze? I guess I really had toooo much of K/J pop doses. And recently, not much productive works from new artists and the boys are busy touring in Japan.

WTH, I just realised, for Sendai and Sapporo, there aren't any pics.

Oh, I just heard Shinee's new mini album and it was disappointing in my opinion. There wasn't much variety that they could offer from that particular mini album. I've only gave it a brief listen and none of the songs seems to stick in my head. Not even one. Maybe I should give it another second try.

Till my next post, tata :D

Saturday 23 May 2009

Recent Craze

These couple of days, I have been listening to quite a fair share of english songs, mostly from my all time fav artists like Kelly Clarkson, David Archuleta and McFly. Oh and also Taylor Swift's Teardrops on my guitar.

My favs
-Teardrops on my guitar
-I hate myself for losing you
-Because of You
-My life would suck without you
-I wanna hold you
-All about you
-I've Got You
-When You believe

Songs are in random order :) Check em out if you want to, but these are rather popular songs except for the McFly ones so I bet you guys have already heard it.

Seriously Avex needs to release the PV for Stand By You like now. I need to see the PV, to cure my boredom.

Remember Me?

Remember me by Sophie Kinsella.

Just started reading this book an hour plus ago and I'd say its a fun yet creepy book to read.

I'm not even halfway through the book yet but I'm already going ooh, ahh, and wahhh. Imagine if your life suddenly got fast forwarded, you forgot 3 years of your life due to a car crash you are affirmative that you've never been engaged in. Instead, its a supposedly bump created due to tripping.

Oh, not to mention, during those 3 years, your life suddenly got fantastic, you've got a hot husband, a bunch of new friends you don't even know, a new loft pad. Where are your old friends?

It is an engaging and page turning book, but it got me a tad curious what's behind all these. Gonna keep reading till I find out.

Not to mention, I'm a bit freaked out, imagining myself losing three years of my supposedly turned awesome life memories, having a hot husband which I imagined as Jaejoong. WOW. I don't even know whether I should be happy or not. I'd probably be as frustrated as the character in the book called Lexi. Or maybe not, heyyy, it's Jaejoonggggggg. LOL

I'm gonna continue reading tomorrow, and hopefully by tomorrow, the book gets better and better, the creepiness gone. HAHA


Signing off :) Have a good night sleep everyone :D

Wednesday 13 May 2009


So very.

I'm disappointed at the way I spend my holiday. It's not that I want to laze around, was planning to re-learn violin and at least get to travel for like once before uni starts and bam, here comes the h1n1, mum says no travelling.


Oh and I'm wondering, will Brunei air Dance, Subaru! ? Cause it's one of the most interesting and meaningful movie to watch, rather than some boring ones.

Oh and hearing Bolero in the cinema is just <3.>