Monday 3 August 2009

More than words

It isn't what I thought it was anymore, it IS love & admiration. Up to this day, it still amazes me how I've come to know you.

I can't believe that I used to dislike you, so much that I could puke. Now you're everywhere, my desktop wallpaper, my phone wallpaper, my shelves are full of your cds and dvds. Last friday when rumours broke that TVXQ would be disbanding, my heart fell, ache, and I cried. It was then I realised how much you had to do with my life.

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met my best friend,
If it wasnt't for your existence in my life, I would probably not be inspired to be the best in whatever I do.

The passion you had for your work, the 'never give up' attitude you put on, was a great inspiration to me in whatever I do.

Thank you for being such amazing musicians despite the harsh conditions you guys were facing.

Words can't describe how much admiration, adoration and love I have for this group. No matter what happens, we'll fight this battle as one.

TVXQ =5 + Cassiopeia + BigEast + International Fans = One

"Always keep the faith"

We'll always stand by you =)